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In this assignment, you will explore the fascinating concepts of clustering and dimensionality reduction. Since the aim is to get some insights into how and when to use clustering, we will mostly stick to small synthetic datasets. However, for fun, at the end of this assignment, you will write some code to collect your friends information from Facebook and use it for clustering. I got some very interesting results when I run them against my friends' accounts. At a more granular level, you will be doing the following tasks:
In the first task, you will explore how $k$-Means perform on datasets with diverse structure. You will also explore different ways of customizing $k$-Means and learn about how to find good initialization and good value of $k$.
In this task, you will explore hierarchical clustering over different datasets. You will also evaluate different ways to merge clusters and good way to find the cut-off point for breaking the dendrogram.
In the class, we mostly focused on SSE measure for evaluating how good a cluster is. There are many other statistical measures, and you will test them in this task.
In this task, you will use the scraping knowledge you gained from Programming Assignment 1 to scrape details about your Facebook friends. You will then convert them to an appropriate vector format before clustering them.
Dimensionality reduction is a key data pre-processing technique. You will perform PCA, a popular dimensionality reduction technique, over few images to get an intuition. Then you will apply it to MNIST data from Programming Assignment 2 to see how it performs.
####################Do not change anything below
%matplotlib inline
#Array processing
import numpy as np
#Data analysis, wrangling and common exploratory operations
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
#For visualization. Matplotlib for basic viz and seaborn for more stylish figures + statistical figures not in MPL.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from IPython.core.display import Image
from IPython.display import display
import sklearn.datasets as datasets
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans, AgglomerativeClustering
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram
from sklearn import metrics
#A different implementation of k-means
import scipy as sp
import scipy.cluster.vq
import scipy.spatial.distance
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist, pdist
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata, fetch_olivetti_faces
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import time
from collections import defaultdict
#################Might require installation of new packages
#Install selenium. Upgrade it if you have previously installed as recent version has some important bug fixes
import selenium.webdriver as webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
import json
from urlparse import parse_qs, urlsplit, urlunsplit
########################If needed you can import additional packages for helping you, although I would discourage it
########################Put all your imports in the space below. If you use some strange package,
##########################provide clear information as to how we can install it.
#######################End imports###################################
#Set the colormap to jet. Most of the time this is good enough
# See http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html for details
In the first task, you will explore how $k$-Means perform on datasets with diverse structure. You will also explore different ways of customizing $k$-Means and learn about how to find good initialization and good value of $k$.
#task t1a
#Write the code for the following function:
# Note that it is invoked from t1b and later tasks - so you might want to partially solve them to get the data
# that is then used in this task
#The input arguments are:
# original_data : This is a 2D original data .
# original_data[:, 0] gives the first dimension and original_data[:, 1] gives the second dimension
# original_cluster_assignments: In general, you do not have the "correct" cluster assignments.
# Since we used synthetic data, we can get it anyway. This variable gives the correct values
# kmeanspp_cluster_assignments: This is the cluster assignment that we got from calling k-means
# with k-means++ as the initialization algorithm
# kmeans_random_cluster_assignments: This is the cluster assignment that we got from calling k-means
# with random initialization
#The code must do the following:
# Create a 1x3 subplot where you plot original_data in each of them
# In the first sub-figure, you have to plot the cluster assignment from original_cluster_assignments
# In the second sub-figure, you have to plot the cluster assignment from kmeanspp_cluster_assignments
# In the third sub-figure, you have to plot the cluster assignment from kmeans_random_cluster_assignments
# Hint:
# 1. The scatter function has an argument called c that accepts a color sequence
# Since all three figures plot the same data, think about how you can use the c argument
# and the cluster assignments to show how the clustering worked
# 2. This function will be called for different datasets. So ensure that you create a new figure object
# So that the images dont get super-imposed
def part1_plot_clustering(original_data, original_cluster_assignments,
kmeanspp_cluster_assignments, kmeans_random_cluster_assignments):
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15,4))
#Change below: call scatter plot function on axes[0]
axes[0].scatter(original_data[:,0], original_data[:,1], c=original_cluster_assignments)
#Change below: call scatter plot function on axes[1]
axes[1].scatter(original_data[:,0], original_data[:,1], c=kmeanspp_cluster_assignments)
#Change below: call scatter plot function on axes[2]
axes[2].scatter(original_data[:,0], original_data[:,1], c=kmeans_random_cluster_assignments)
#task t1b
#Scikit-learn has a number of functions to generate synthetic data.
# For the first assignment, you will be using make_blobs function
# See url http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.datasets.make_blobs.html for details
# Create a dataset with 200 2-D points with 4 cluster with a standard deviation of 1.0
# Remember to create it with a random state of 1234
# Remember to do it for all future tasks even if I forget to mention it :)
#Change below to Create a dataset with 200 2-D points with 4 cluster with a standard deviation of 1.0
t1b_data, t1b_ground_truth = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=200, n_features=2, centers=4, cluster_std=1.0, random_state=1234)
#Change below: Call Kmeans with 4 clusters, with k-means++ initialization heuristic and random state of 1234
t1b_kmeanspp = KMeans(n_clusters=4, init="k-means++", random_state=1234)
#Change below: Print the centroids
print None
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t1b_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments = t1b_kmeanspp.fit(t1b_data).labels_
#Change below: Call Kmeans with 4 clusters, with random initialization heuristic and random state of 1234
t1b_kmeans_random = KMeans(n_clusters=4, init="random", random_state=1234)
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t1b_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments = t1b_kmeans_random.fit(t1b_data).labels_
part1_plot_clustering(t1b_data, t1b_ground_truth, t1b_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments, t1b_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments)
#task t1c
# Create a dataset (make_blobs) with 200 2-D points with 4 cluster with a standard deviation of 5.0
# Remember to create it with a random state of 1234
#Change below to Create a dataset with 200 2-D points with 4 cluster with a standard deviation of 5.0
t1c_data, t1c_ground_truth = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=200, n_features=2, centers=4, cluster_std=5.0, random_state=1234)
#Change below: Call Kmeans with 4 clusters, with k-means++ initialization heuristic and random state of 1234
t1c_kmeanspp = KMeans(n_clusters=4, init="k-means++", random_state=1234)
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t1c_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments = t1c_kmeanspp.fit(t1c_data).labels_
#Change below: Call Kmeans with 4 clusters, with random initialization heuristic and random state of 1234
t1c_kmeans_random = KMeans(n_clusters=4, init="random", random_state=1234)
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t1c_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments = t1c_kmeans_random.fit(t1c_data).labels_
part1_plot_clustering(t1c_data, t1c_ground_truth, t1c_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments, t1c_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments)
#task t1d
# Create a dataset (make_blobs) with 200 2-D points with 10 clusters and with a standard deviation of 1.0
# Remember to create it with a random state of 1234
t1d_data, t1d_ground_truth = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=200, n_features=2, centers=10, cluster_std=1.0, random_state=1234)
t1d_kmeanspp = KMeans(n_clusters=10, init="k-means++", random_state=1234)
t1d_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments = t1d_kmeanspp.fit(t1d_data).labels_
t1d_kmeans_random = KMeans(n_clusters=10, init="random", random_state=1234)
t1d_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments = t1d_kmeans_random.fit(t1d_data).labels_
part1_plot_clustering(t1d_data, t1d_ground_truth, t1d_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments, t1d_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments)
#How does the result look?
#task t1e
# Create a dataset (make_blobs) with 200 2-D points with 10 clusters and with a standard deviation of 5.0
# Remember to create it with a random state of 1234
# Then call K-Means with k=10
t1e_data, t1e_ground_truth = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=200, n_features=2, centers=10, cluster_std=5.0, random_state=1234)
t1e_kmeanspp = KMeans(n_clusters=10, init="k-means++", random_state=1234)
t1e_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments = t1e_kmeanspp.fit(t1e_data).labels_
t1e_kmeans_random = KMeans(n_clusters=10, init="random", random_state=1234)
t1e_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments = t1e_kmeans_random.fit(t1e_data).labels_
part1_plot_clustering(t1e_data, t1e_ground_truth, t1e_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments, t1e_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments)
#How does the result look?
#task t1f
# For this assignment, you will be using make_circles function
# See url http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.datasets.make_circles.html for details
# Create a dataset with 200 2-D points
# Remember to create it with a random state of 1234
#In the code, call the K-Means function with k=2
t1f_data, t1f_ground_truth = datasets.make_circles(n_samples=200, random_state=1234)
t1f_kmeanspp = KMeans(n_clusters=2, init="k-means++", random_state=1234)
t1f_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments = t1f_kmeanspp.fit(t1f_data).labels_
t1f_kmeans_random = KMeans(n_clusters=2, init="random", random_state=1234)
t1f_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments = t1f_kmeans_random.fit(t1f_data).labels_
part1_plot_clustering(t1f_data, t1f_ground_truth, t1f_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments, t1f_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments)
#task t1g
# For this assignment, you will be using make_moons function
# See url http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.datasets.make_moons.html for details
# Create a dataset with 200 2-D points
# Remember to create it with a random state of 1234
#In the code, call the K-Means function with k=2
t1g_data, t1g_ground_truth = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=200, random_state=1234)
t1g_kmeanspp = KMeans(n_clusters=2, init="k-means++", random_state=1234)
t1g_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments = t1g_kmeanspp.fit(t1g_data).labels_
t1g_kmeans_random = KMeans(n_clusters=2, init="random", random_state=1234)
t1g_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments = t1g_kmeans_random.fit(t1g_data).labels_
part1_plot_clustering(t1g_data, t1g_ground_truth, t1g_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments, t1g_kmeans_random_cluster_assignments)
Here is a cool application of $k$-Means for image compression (we will discuss a more advanced method in dimensionality reduction later). The idea is incredibly simple. Suppose we have an image that has lot of colors that we wish to compress. One simple way is to reduce the number of colors. One of the compression techniques used by JPG is called run length encoding (RLE). Suppose you have a text like AAAAAAAABB, RLE compresses it to 8A2B. Intuitively, lesser colours will have longer runs and hence better compression.
Suppose we run $k$-Means on the image with a reasonably small $k$ where the data points are the pixels. For example, suppose we decide to use only 64 colours. Then we run $k$-Means with $k=64$. We then get the set of centroids which now correspond to "mean" (or representative) colors. We now replace the color of each pixel with the color provided by its centroid. This way, we quantize an image to have exactly $k$ colors.
Here is a crude computation of the savings achieved. Each pixel in the original image is associated with 24 bits (8 bits each for RGB). So if the image is $128 \times 128$, we need $128 \times 128 \times 24$ bits. Suppose we compressed it into 16 colors only. We now need to store two information: a dictionary of the 16 colors (which need $16 \times 24$ bits) and each pixel now can be represented using just 4 bits ($\lg 16 = 4$) and hence needs $128 \times 128 \times 4$. Overall we compressed the image by a factor of 6!!
In the following task, you will do a crude demonstration.
#Do not change anything below
#China is one of the sample figures in sklearn
#Code courtesy: Sklearn
#china is a 3-D array where the first two dimensions are co-ordinates of pixels (row and column)
# and third coordinate is a tuple with 3 values for RGB value
china = datasets.load_sample_image("china.jpg")
china = np.array(china, dtype=np.float64) / 255
china_w, china_h, china_d = tuple(china.shape)
print "Width=%s, Height=%s, Depth=%s" % (china_w, china_h, china_d)
#Convert it to a 2D array for analysis
china_image_array = np.reshape(china, (china_w * china_h, china_d))
print "In 2-D the shape is ", china_image_array.shape
def recreate_image(codebook, labels, w, h):
"""Recreate the (compressed) image from the code book & labels"""
d = codebook.shape[1]
image = np.zeros((w, h, d))
label_idx = 0
for i in range(w):
for j in range(h):
image[i][j] = codebook[labels[label_idx]]
label_idx += 1
return image
ax = plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
plt.title('Original image (96,615 colors)')
#This task could run for a long time on typical machines
#Let us run K-means with different values of k
# Then using the new centroids, compress the image and display it.
t1h_start_time = time.time()
fig,axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15,6))
#the 2d is for convenience
t1h_k_values = [[16, 32], [64,128]]
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
print "Handling k =", t1h_k_values[i][j]
#Change below: call Kmeans with k=t1h_k_values [i][j] and random state = 1234
t1h_kmeans_obj = KMeans(n_clusters=t1h_k_values[i][j], random_state=1234)
#Change below: fit the object with china image array variable
t1h_kmeans_fit = t1h_kmeans_obj.fit(china_image_array)
axes[i][j].imshow(recreate_image(t1h_kmeans_fit.cluster_centers_, t1h_kmeans_fit.labels_, china_w, china_h))
axes[i][j].set_title('Compression with' + str(t1h_k_values[i][j]) + " colors")
print "Clustering over entire data took %s seconds" % (time.time() - t1h_start_time)
# Here is a much faster way using sampling which is how the quantization is done in real world
# We will study sampling in detail later in the class. But the idea is simple
# Instead of running the algorithm on the whole data, we run it on a subset (called a sample)
# which is picked uniformly at random
# Since the sample is small, your algorithm runs faster
# We then use the model to predict the correct cluster values for the entire data
# You can see the speed difference clearly.
#Recall that there were 273280 pixels - let us take a sample of 1000 pixels which is approximately 0.3%
t1i_china_sample = shuffle(china_image_array, random_state=1234)[:1000]
#Let us run K-means with different values of k
# Then using the new centroids, compress the image and display it.
t1i_start_time = time.time()
fig,axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15,6))
#the 2d is for convenience
t1i_k_values = [[16, 32], [64,128]]
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
print "Handling k =", t1i_k_values[i][j]
#Change below: call Kmeans with k=t1h_k_values [i][j] and random state = 1234
t1i_kmeans_obj = KMeans(n_clusters=t1h_k_values[i][j], random_state=1234)
#Change below: fit the object with the SAMPLE
t1i_kmeans_fit = t1i_kmeans_obj.fit(t1i_china_sample)
#After running k-means on the sample, we got k centroids
# Now for each pixel in the original array you have to find the closest centroid
#Change below: use the predict function of t1i_kmeans_fit for finding the closest centroid for entire image
t1i_cluster_assignments = t1i_kmeans_fit.predict(china_image_array)
axes[i][j].imshow(recreate_image(t1i_kmeans_fit.cluster_centers_, t1i_cluster_assignments, china_w, china_h))
axes[i][j].set_title('Compression with' + str(t1h_k_values[i][j]) + " colors")
print "Clustering with Sampling took %s seconds" % (time.time() - t1i_start_time)
One of the most important hyperparameters in $k$-Means algorithm is the optimal value of $k$. Some times, you might know $k$ by domain knowledge. For example, if you want to cluster MNIST data, you would use $k=10$ as there are 10 digits. However, given an arbitrary data (esp when it is high dimensional), it is very hard to find good $k$. There are many complex statistical measures for finding $k$. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determining_the_number_of_clusters_in_a_data_set for a decent summary. However, almost all of them have some hidden assumptions and can be considered as heuristics only. Finding a good $k$ is a very hard problem. In this task, you will learn about three popular (and relatively simple) techniques. They are:
One thing to note is that we will be using a different implementation of $k$-Means for the gap statistic - the one from scipy.vq (vector quantization) module. You can read about it at http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/cluster.vq.html . The major difference is that it quantizes the data between [0,1] that simplifies our job in running some Monte Carlo simulations (a topic we will cover later in the class). I will be giving code for all three methods. The expectation for this task is for you to be just aware of these important methods.
#Do not change anything below
#All three functions were adapted from the code by Reid Johnson from University of Notre Dame
def compute_ssq(data, k, kmeans):
dist = np.min(cdist(data, kmeans.cluster_centers_, 'euclidean'), axis=1)
tot_withinss = sum(dist**2) # Total within-cluster sum of squares
totss = sum(pdist(data)**2) / data.shape[0] # The total sum of squares
betweenss = totss - tot_withinss # The between-cluster sum of squares
return betweenss/totss*100
#Given a data (as nxm matrix) and an array of ks, this returns the SSQ (sum of squared distances)
# SSQ is also called as SSD or SSE
def ssq_statistics(data, ks, ssq_norm=True):
ssqs = sp.zeros((len(ks),)) # array for SSQs (lenth ks)
for (i,k) in enumerate(ks): # iterate over the range of k values
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=1234).fit(data)
if ssq_norm:
ssqs[i] = compute_ssq(data, k, kmeans)
# The sum of squared error (SSQ) for k
ssqs[i] = kmeans.inertia_
return ssqs
#This function computes the Gap statistic of the data (given as a nxm matrix)
# Returns:
# gaps: an array of gap statistics computed for each k.
# errs: an array of standard errors (se), with one corresponding to each gap computation.
# difs: an array of differences between each gap_k and the sum of gap_k+1 minus err_k+1.
# The gap statistic measures the difference between within-cluster dispersion on an input
# dataset and that expected under an appropriate reference null distribution.
# If you did not fully understand the definition, no worry - it is quite complex anyway :)
# However, you should know how to USE the gap statistic if not how it is computed
def gap_statistics(data, refs=None, nrefs=20, ks=range(1,11)):
shape = data.shape
dst = sp.spatial.distance.euclidean
if refs is None:
tops = data.max(axis=0) # maxima along the first axis (rows)
bots = data.min(axis=0) # minima along the first axis (rows)
dists = sp.matrix(sp.diag(tops-bots)) # the bounding box of the input dataset
# Generate nrefs uniform distributions each in the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0)
rands = sp.random.random_sample(size=(shape[0],shape[1], nrefs))
# Adjust each of the uniform distributions to the bounding box of the input dataset
for i in range(nrefs):
rands[:,:,i] = rands[:,:,i]*dists+bots
rands = refs
gaps = sp.zeros((len(ks),)) # array for gap statistics (lenth ks)
errs = sp.zeros((len(ks),)) # array for model standard errors (length ks)
difs = sp.zeros((len(ks)-1,)) # array for differences between gaps (length ks-1)
for (i,k) in enumerate(ks): # iterate over the range of k values
# Cluster the input dataset via k-means clustering using the current value of k
(kmc,kml) = sp.cluster.vq.kmeans2(data, k)
except LinAlgError:
kmeans = sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=k).fit(data)
(kmc, kml) = kmeans.cluster_centers_, kmeans.labels_
# Generate within-dispersion measure for the clustering of the input dataset
disp = sum([dst(data[m,:],kmc[kml[m],:]) for m in range(shape[0])])
# Generate within-dispersion measures for the clusterings of the reference datasets
refdisps = sp.zeros((rands.shape[2],))
for j in range(rands.shape[2]):
# Cluster the reference dataset via k-means clustering using the current value of k
(kmc,kml) = sp.cluster.vq.kmeans2(rands[:,:,j], k)
except LinAlgError:
kmeans = sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=k).fit(rands[:,:,j])
(kmc, kml) = kmeans.cluster_centers_, kmeans.labels_
refdisps[j] = sum([dst(rands[m,:,j],kmc[kml[m],:]) for m in range(shape[0])])
# Compute the (estimated) gap statistic for k
gaps[i] = sp.mean(sp.log(refdisps) - sp.log(disp))
# Compute the expected error for k
errs[i] = sp.sqrt(sum(((sp.log(refdisp)-sp.mean(sp.log(refdisps)))**2) \
for refdisp in refdisps)/float(nrefs)) * sp.sqrt(1+1/nrefs)
# Compute the difference between gap_k and the sum of gap_k+1 minus err_k+1
difs = sp.array([gaps[k] - (gaps[k+1]-errs[k+1]) for k in range(len(gaps)-1)])
#print "Gaps: " + str(gaps)
#print "Errs: " + str(errs)
#print "Difs: " + str(difs)
return gaps, errs, difs
# Implement the following function plot_clustering_statistics
# It accepts three arguments: data as nxm matrix minimum and maximum value
# within which you think the best k lies.
# Of course, in the worst case this is between 1 and n (where n=number of data points)
# You will compute the necessary statisitcs using the above function and
# use it to find a good $k$
# Finding a good k, even with the statistics is a bit tricky
# So we will plot the values and find a good $k$ by visually inspecting the plot
#Interpreting the charts:
# Elbow method: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determining_the_number_of_clusters_in_a_data_set#The_Elbow_Method
# Gap Statistics: $k$ where the first drop in trend happens
# Gap Statistics differences: $k$ where you get the first positive values
def t1j_plot_clustering_statistics(data, k_min, k_max):
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(16, 4))
ks = range(k_min, k_max+1)
#Change below: plot the data distribution as a scatter plot on axes[0] variable
# For now ignore the color field. We will use data where #clusters is easy to see
axes[0].scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1])
axes[0].set_title("Original Data")
#range(a,b) returns a .. b-1
ssqs = ssq_statistics(data, ks=ks)
#Change below: create a line chart with x axis as different k values
# and y-axis as ssqs on axes[1] variable
axes[1].plot(ks, ssqs)
axes[1].set_title("Elbow Method and SSQ")
#Do not change anything below for the rest of the function
# Code courtesy: Reid Johnson from U. of Notre Dame
gaps, errs, difs = gap_statistics(data, nrefs=25, ks=ks)
max_gap = None
if len(np.where(difs > 0)[0]) > 0:
max_gap = np.where(difs > 0)[0][0] + 1 # the k with the first positive dif
if max_gap:
print "By gap statistics, optimal k seems to be ", max_gap
print "Please use some other metrics for finding k"
#Create an errorbar plot
rects = axes[2].errorbar(ks, gaps, yerr=errs, xerr=None, linewidth=1.0)
#Add figure labels and ticks
axes[2].set_title('Clustering Gap Statistics')
axes[2].set_xlabel('Number of clusters k')
axes[2].set_ylabel('Gap Statistic')
# Add figure bounds
axes[2].set_ylim(0, max(gaps+errs)*1.1)
axes[2].set_xlim(0, len(gaps)+1.0)
ind = range(1,len(difs)+1) # the x values for the difs
max_gap = None
if len(np.where(difs > 0)[0]) > 0:
max_gap = np.where(difs > 0)[0][0] + 1 # the k with the first positive dif
#Create a bar plot
axes[3].bar(ind, difs, alpha=0.5, color='g', align='center')
# Add figure labels and ticks
if max_gap:
axes[3].set_title('Clustering Gap Differences\n(k=%d Estimated as Optimal)' % (max_gap))
axes[3].set_title('Clustering Gap Differences\n')
axes[3].set_xlabel('Number of clusters k')
axes[3].set_ylabel('Gap Difference')
#Add figure bounds
axes[3].set_ylim(min(difs)*1.2, max(difs)*1.2)
axes[3].set_xlim(0, len(difs)+1.0)
#Dont change anything here
t1j_data, t1j_ground_truth = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=200, n_features=2, centers=4, cluster_std=0.5, random_state=1234)
t1j_plot_clustering_statistics(t1j_data, 1, 10)
t1j_data, t1j_ground_truth = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=200, n_features=2, centers=5, cluster_std=0.5, random_state=1234)
t1j_plot_clustering_statistics(t1j_data, 1, 10)
In this task, you will explore hierarchical clustering over different datasets. You will also evaluate different ways to merge clusters and good way to find the cut-off point for breaking the dendrogram.
#task t2a
#Write the code for the following function:
# Note that it is invoked from t2b and later tasks - so you might want to partially solve them to get the data
# that is then used in this task
#The input arguments are:
# original_data : This is a 2D original data .
# original_data[:, 0] gives the first dimension and original_data[:, 1] gives the second dimension
# original_cluster_assignments: In general, you do not have the "correct" cluster assignments.
# Since we used synthetic data, we can get it anyway. This variable gives the correct values
# ward_cluster_assignments: This is the cluster assignment that we got from calling
# hierarchical clustering with ward linkage
# complete_cluster_assignments: This is the cluster assignment that we got from calling
# hierarchical clustering with complete linkage
# average_cluster_assignments: This is the cluster assignment that we got from calling
# hierarchical clustering with average linkage
#The code must do the following:
# Create a 1x4 subplot where you plot original_data in each of them
# In the first sub-figure, you have to plot the cluster assignment from original_cluster_assignments
# In the second sub-figure, you have to plot the cluster assignment from ward_linkage_cluster_assignments
# In the third sub-figure, you have to plot the cluster assignment from complete_linkage_cluster_assignments
# In the fourth sub-figure, you have to plot the cluster assignment from average_linkage_cluster_assignments
# Hint:
# 1. The scatter function has an argument called c that accepts a color sequence
# Since all three figures plot the same data, think about how you can use the c argument
# and the cluster assignments to show how the clustering worked
# 2. This function will be called for different datasets. So ensure that you create a new figure object
# So that the images dont get super-imposed
def part2_plot_clustering(original_data, original_cluster_assignments,
ward_linkage_cluster_assignments, complete_linkage_cluster_assignments,
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(16,4))
#Change below: call scatter plot function on axes[0]
axes[0].scatter(original_data[:,0], original_data[:,1], c=original_cluster_assignments)
#Change below: call scatter plot function on axes[1]
axes[1].scatter(original_data[:,0], original_data[:,1], c=ward_linkage_cluster_assignments)
axes[1].set_title('Ward Linkage')
#Change below: call scatter plot function on axes[2]
axes[2].scatter(original_data[:,0], original_data[:,1], c=complete_linkage_cluster_assignments)
axes[2].set_title('Complete Linkage')
#Change below: call scatter plot function on axes[3]
axes[3].scatter(original_data[:,0], original_data[:,1], c=average_linkage_cluster_assignments)
axes[3].set_title('Average Linkage')
#Task t2b
#Change below to Create a dataset with make_blobs 200 2-D points with 4 cluster with a standard deviation of 1.0
t2b_data, t2b_ground_truth = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=200, n_features=2, centers=4, cluster_std=1.0, random_state=1234)
#Change below: Call AgglomerativeClustering with 4 clusters with ward linkage
t2b_agg_ward = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=4, linkage="ward")
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t2b_ward_linkage_cluster_assignments = t2b_agg_ward.fit(t2b_data).labels_
#Change below: Call AgglomerativeClustering with 4 clusters with complete linkage
t2b_agg_complete = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=4, linkage="complete")
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t2b_complete_linkage_cluster_assignments = t2b_agg_complete.fit(t2b_data).labels_
#Change below: Call AgglomerativeClustering with 4 clusters with average linkage
t2b_agg_average = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=4, linkage="average")
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t2b_average_linkage_cluster_assignments = t2b_agg_average.fit(t2b_data).labels_
part2_plot_clustering(t2b_data, t2b_ground_truth, t2b_ward_linkage_cluster_assignments,
t2b_complete_linkage_cluster_assignments, t2b_average_linkage_cluster_assignments)
#Task t2c
#Change below to Create a dataset with make_circles function with 200 2-D points
t2c_data, t2c_ground_truth = datasets.make_circles(n_samples=200, random_state=1234)
#Change below: Call AgglomerativeClustering with 2 clusters with ward linkage
t2c_agg_ward = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=2, linkage="ward")
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t2c_ward_linkage_cluster_assignments = t2c_agg_ward.fit(t2c_data).labels_
#Change below: Call AgglomerativeClustering with 2 clusters with complete linkage
t2c_agg_complete = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=2, linkage="complete")
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t2c_complete_linkage_cluster_assignments = t2c_agg_complete.fit(t2c_data).labels_
#Change below: Call AgglomerativeClustering with 2 clusters with average linkage
t2c_agg_average = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=2, linkage="average")
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t2c_average_linkage_cluster_assignments = t2c_agg_average.fit(t2c_data).labels_
part2_plot_clustering(t2c_data, t2c_ground_truth, t2c_ward_linkage_cluster_assignments,
t2c_complete_linkage_cluster_assignments, t2c_average_linkage_cluster_assignments)
#Task t2d
#Change below to Create a dataset with make_moons function with 200 2-D points
t2d_data, t2d_ground_truth = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=200, random_state=1234)
#Change below: Call AgglomerativeClustering with 2 clusters with ward linkage
t2d_agg_ward = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=2, linkage="ward")
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t2d_ward_linkage_cluster_assignments = t2d_agg_ward.fit(t2d_data).labels_
#Change below: Call AgglomerativeClustering with 2 clusters with complete linkage
t2d_agg_complete = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=2, linkage="complete")
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t2d_complete_linkage_cluster_assignments = t2d_agg_complete.fit(t2d_data).labels_
#Change below: Call AgglomerativeClustering with 2 clusters with average linkage
t2d_agg_average = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=2, linkage="average")
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t2d_average_linkage_cluster_assignments = t2d_agg_average.fit(t2d_data).labels_
part2_plot_clustering(t2d_data, t2d_ground_truth, t2d_ward_linkage_cluster_assignments,
t2d_complete_linkage_cluster_assignments, t2d_average_linkage_cluster_assignments)
#t2e: Let us now create and visualize dendrogram for a toy datasset
t2e_data, t2e_ground_truth = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=20, n_features=2, centers=2, cluster_std=0.5, random_state=1234)
plt.scatter(t2e_data[:, 0], t2e_data[:, 1], c=t2e_ground_truth)
#Plot the dendrogram of t2edata
#Change below: compute the pairwise distance
t2e_data_dist = pdist(t2e_data)
#Change below: compute the linkage
t2e_data_linkage = linkage(t2e_data_dist)
#Change below: plot the dendrogram
t2e_data_dendrogram = dendrogram(t2e_data_linkage)
In the class, we mostly focused on SSE measure for evaluating how good a cluster is. There are many other statistical measures, and you will test them in this task. Broadly, they can split into two categories.
The following url has helpful information: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/clustering.html#clustering-performance-evaluation
Let us first consider the case where the ground truth cluster assignments are available. This is an ideal case and often in real world it is not the case (as clustering is part of unsupervised learning after all). However, since we created our datasets synthetically, it is possible to know the ground truth assignments.
In this task, you will evaluating the following metrics:
#Do not change anything below
#Let us create the data that we will be using to evaluate measures in the next cell
t3_data, t3_ground_truth = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=200, n_features=2, centers=4, cluster_std=0.5, random_state=1234)
t3_k_min = 1
t3_k_max = 10
t3_ind = range(t3_k_min, t3_k_max+1)
plt.scatter(t3_data[:, 0], t3_data[:, 1], c=t3_ground_truth)
#Task t3a
t3a_adjusted_rand_index_scores = [0 for _ in t3_ind]
t3a_adjusted_mutual_info_scores = [0 for _ in t3_ind]
t3a_adjusted_homogeneity_scores = [0 for _ in t3_ind]
t3a_adjusted_completeness_scores = [0 for _ in t3_ind]
t3a_adjusted_v_measure_scores = [0 for _ in t3_ind]
for k in t3_ind:
#Change below: Call KMeans with k clusters with k-means++ initialization and random state of 1234
t3a_kmeanspp = KMeans(n_clusters=k, init="k-means++", random_state=1234)
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t3a_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments = t3a_kmeanspp.fit(t3_data).labels_
#Now let us compute the clustering score for each metric (use metrics.xyz for getting function xyz)
# Watch out for the argument order (true, predicted)
#Change below: compute the score based on ADJUSTED random index
t3a_adjusted_rand_index_scores[k-1] = metrics.adjusted_rand_score(t3_ground_truth, t3a_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments)
#Change below: compute the score based on ADJUSTED mutual information score
t3a_adjusted_mutual_info_scores[k-1] = metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(t3_ground_truth, t3a_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments)
#Change below: compute the score based on homogeneity score
t3a_adjusted_homogeneity_scores[k-1] = metrics.homogeneity_score(t3_ground_truth, t3a_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments)
#Change below: compute the score based on completeness index
t3a_adjusted_completeness_scores[k-1] = metrics.completeness_score(t3_ground_truth, t3a_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments)
#Change below: compute the score based on v-measure index
t3a_adjusted_v_measure_scores[k-1] = metrics.v_measure_score(t3_ground_truth, t3a_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments)
plt.plot(t3_ind, t3a_adjusted_rand_index_scores, label="Adjusted Rand Index")
plt.plot(t3_ind, t3a_adjusted_mutual_info_scores, label="Adjusted Mutual Info")
plt.plot(t3_ind, t3a_adjusted_homogeneity_scores, label="Homegeneity")
plt.plot(t3_ind, t3a_adjusted_completeness_scores, label="Completeness Score")
plt.plot(t3_ind, t3a_adjusted_v_measure_scores, label="V-Measure")
plt.title("$k$ vs Metrics")
plt.ylabel("Clustering Evaluation Metrics")
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
Let us now consider the case where the ground truth cluster assignments is not available. Often in real world you do not know the right "answer". Let us use the synthetic data we created above (but ignore the ground truth). We will consider three simple measures that analyze how good a particular clustering is. In this task, you will evaluating the following metrics:
#Do not change anything below
#Code Courtesy: Derek Greene from University College, Dublin
#The following function computes pairwise stability of a list of clusterings
# the mean similarity between the clusterings as defined by a particular similarity metric.
# In this case we use the Adjusted Rand Index to calculate the similarities.
def calc_pairwise_stability( clusterings, metric ):
sim_values = []
for i in range(len(clusterings)):
for j in range(i+1,len(clusterings)):
sim_values.append( metric( clusterings[i], clusterings[j] ) )
return np.array( sim_values ).mean()
#Given data, take a sample, run k-means on it, make predictions
def t3_kmeans_sample( X, k, sampling_ratio ):
# create a matrix with subset of samples
n_samples = X.shape[0]
indices = np.arange(n_samples)
np.random.shuffle( indices )
n_subset = int(n_samples * sampling_ratio)
X_subset = X[indices[0:n_subset]]
# cluster the subset
clusterer = KMeans(n_clusters=k, n_init=1, init='random', max_iter = 100)
# produce an assignment for all samples
return clusterer.predict(X)
#Let us again use t3_data and t3_ground_truth, except we do not consider the ground truth.
#Task t3b
t3b_ssq_scores = [0 for _ in t3_ind]
t3b_silhoutte_coefficient_scores = [0 for _ in t3_ind]
t3b_stability_scores = [0 for _ in t3_ind]
for k in t3_ind:
#Change below: Call KMeans with k clusters with k-means++ initialization and random state of 1234
t3b_kmeanspp = KMeans(n_clusters=k, init="k-means++", random_state=1234)
#Change below: fit t3b_kmeanspp to data
t3b_kmeanspp_fitted = t3b_kmeanspp.fit(t3_data)
#Change below: Find the cluster assignments for the data
t3b_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments = t3b_kmeanspp_fitted.labels_
#Now let us compute the clustering score for each metric (use metrics.xyz for getting function xyz)
# Watch out for the argument order (true, predicted)
#Change below: compute ssq score using compute_ssq function
t3b_ssq_scores[k-1] = compute_ssq(t3_data, k, t3b_kmeanspp_fitted)
#Change below: compute the score based on silhouette_score with a sample size of 50
#Note: do not set random state here - else it will give a constant score
# Your results might look quite different from mine
t3b_silhoutte_coefficient_scores[k-1] = metrics.silhouette_score(t3_data, t3b_kmeanspp_cluster_assignments, sample_size=50)
#Do not change: compute the score based on stability score
if k == 1: #Stability is defined for k >= 2
#Run k-means on a small sample , make predictions based on the sample centroids and see how stable they are
t3b_stability_clusterings = [t3_kmeans_sample( t3_data, k, 0.5 ) for run in range(10)]
t3b_stability_scores[k-1] = calc_pairwise_stability(t3b_stability_clusterings, metrics.adjusted_rand_score)
#Do not change anything below
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15,4))
axes[0].plot(t3_ind, t3b_ssq_scores)
axes[0].set_title('SSQ Scores')
axes[0].set_ylabel('SSQ Scores')
axes[1].plot(t3_ind, t3b_silhoutte_coefficient_scores)
axes[1].set_title('Silhoutte Coefficient')
axes[1].set_ylabel('Silhoutte Coefficient')
axes[1].set_ylim( (0.0, 1.0) )
axes[2].plot(t3_ind, t3b_stability_scores)
axes[2].set_title('Stability of Clusters')
In this task, we will combine our knowledge of scraping and clustering to get details about your Facebook friends and cluster them. My original plan was to use Facebook SDK (Graph API etc). Unfortunately, v2 of their API does not provide details of your friends. It is a pity as I used to lot of fun things with their API couple of years ago. Also, their API is reasonably well designed that you can do lot of cool things with couple of lines of Python code. Oh well. Btw, to see what was possible, see this IPython notebook (http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/chdoig/Mining-the-Social-Web-2nd-Edition/blob/master/ipynb/Chapter%202%20-%20Mining%20Facebook.ipynb). This was from the book Mining the Social Web (a great book, btw). Since Facebook removed the friends_like option, we have to do this the hard way.
Let us the scraping knowledge from Programming Assignment for this purpose. However, since this assignment's emphasis is on Clustering, I have scaled back my requirements so that you only spend little time on scraping. Nevertheless, I would encourage you to flesh this part more. It is an interesting side project :)
Here is the high level approach:
Some comments:
#DO not change anything below
#Change to webdriver.Chrome() if Chrome is your primary browser.
#I suggest to let it run on Firefox
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
#Number of seconds to wait before each operation
#Change this if your internet is fast or if you are running it in UTA (reduce it to 2-3 seconds)
#I would nevertheless advice you to not alter it though.
#Do not change anything below
#Facebook often appends some additional stuff to URLs for figuring out how you reached a resource
# Let us strip it out
def stripParamsFromUrl(url):
scheme, netloc, path, query_string, fragment = urlsplit(url)
return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, '', ''))
def get_likes_url(url):
if url[-1] != "/":
url = url + "/"
if url.find("profile.php") >= 0:
url = url + "&sk=likes"
url = url + "likes"
return url
#Task t4a
def loginToFacebook(driver, user_name, password):
#Change below: Go to facebook.com
#Change below: Enter the value in user_name variable in the Email text box
emailTextBox = driver.find_element_by_id('email')
#Change below: Enter the value in password variable in the Password text box
passwordTextBox = driver.find_element_by_id('pass')
################REMEMBER TO REMOVE IT BEFORE SUBMITTING#########################
loginToFacebook(driver, "your email id", "your password")
#DO not change anything below
def goto_profile_page(driver):
#Notice how I get the element using a css selector
elem = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("a._2dpe._1ayn")
#DO not change anything below
def goto_friends_page(driver):
#Notice that here I use a different trick - I use a custom attribute data-tab-key to get friends
# This is preferrable than finding a css selector with weird class names like _2dpe
# The other option is to directly construct the URL of friends tab.
# But depending on whether your friend has got a custom fb id or not, the url will be different
# This code keeps the code clean and neat :)
elem = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "[data-tab-key='friends']")
#Helper code to get all your friend names and their profile url
def get_all_friend_details(driver):
#Get the friends pagelet. FB pages are organized by pagelets
# Running your find element code within a pagelet is a good idea
pagelet = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#pagelet_timeline_medley_friends > div[id^='collection_wrapper']")
#Lot of you have hundreds of friends while FB only shows a small subset
# When you scroll down, it loads the remaining friends dynamically
# Find how many friends are their initially
len1 = len(pagelet.find_elements_by_css_selector("div.fsl.fwb.fcb > a"))
except Exception as ex:
print "Caught exception in getting friends. Try again"
return []
while True:
#Scroll down
driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0,10000)", "")
#wait for friend details to load
#Find the friends pagelet again
#Both the browser, FB and selenium do aggressive caching
# Sometimes, this might cause invalid references
# Hence, getting the pagelet object fresh is a good idea
pagelet = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#pagelet_timeline_medley_friends > div[id^='collection_wrapper']")
#Find how many friends you have after scrolling
len2 = len(pagelet.find_elements_by_css_selector("div.fsl.fwb.fcb > a"))
#If it remained the same, we have loaded all of them
# Else repeat the process
if len1 == len2:
len1 = len2
except Exception as ex:
#Now we have a page that has all the friends
friends = []
#Get the pagelet object
pagelet = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#pagelet_timeline_medley_friends > div[id^='collection_wrapper']")
#Get the DOM object containing required details of your friends
all_friends = pagelet.find_elements_by_css_selector("div.fsl.fwb.fcb > a")
if len(all_friends) == 0:
return []
for i in range(len(all_friends)):
#Get their name
name = all_friends[i].get_attribute("text")
#Get their profile url
url = stripParamsFromUrl(all_friends[i].get_attribute("href"))
friends.append( {"Name": name, "ProfileURL": url})
if i % 100 == 0:
print "Handled %s friends" % (i,)
except Exception as ex:
return friends
#Store the list of friends to a file
def log_friend_details_to_file(friends_details, file_name):
with open(file_name, "w") as output_file:
#Notice how we use json library to convert the array to a string and write to a file
json.dump(friends_details, output_file)
#Do not change anything below
#Go to your friends page, collect their details and write it to an output file
friends_details = get_all_friend_details(driver)
log_friend_details_to_file(friends_details, "fb_friend_dtls.txt")
#Task t4b: Collect the list of things your friend likes
def collect_friend_likes(driver, friend_name, friend_profile_url):
#Directly go to likes tab of the url
likes_url = get_likes_url(friend_profile_url)
#Change below: get the likes pagelet
pagelet = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#pagelet_timeline_medley_likes > div[id^='collection_wrapper']")
#Change below: Get the list of items liked currently
len1 = len(pagelet.find_elements_by_css_selector("div.fsl.fwb.fcb > a"))
except Exception as ex:
#This person has no likes page or has not given us the permission
return []
while True:
driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0,10000)", "")
#Change below: get the likes pagelet
pagelet = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#pagelet_timeline_medley_likes > div[id^='collection_wrapper']")
#Change below: Get the list of items liked currently
len2 = len(pagelet.find_elements_by_css_selector("div.fsl.fwb.fcb > a"))
if len1 == len2:
len1 = len2
except Exception as ex:
friend_likes = []
#Change below: get the likes pagelet
pagelet = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#pagelet_timeline_medley_likes > div[id^='collection_wrapper']")
#Change below: Get the list of items liked currently - i.e. get the DOM object with their names
all_friend_likes = pagelet.find_elements_by_css_selector("div.fsl.fwb.fcb > a")
#Change below: Get the list of items liked currently - i.e. get the DOM object with their type
all_friend_like_types = pagelet.find_elements_by_css_selector("div._5k4f")
if len(all_friend_likes) == 0:
return []
for i in range(len(all_friend_likes)):
#Change below: get the name of the item your friend liked. Eg, Bill Gates
like_name = all_friend_likes[i].get_attribute("text")
#Change below: get the type of the item your friend liked. Eg, Public Figure
like_type = all_friend_like_types[i].text
friend_likes.append( {"Item": like_name, "Type": like_type})
except Exception as ex:
return friend_likes
#Do not change below
#Here, we are going to collect the details of your friends
#Get list of friends
p4_friend_profile_dtls = json.loads(open("fb_friend_dtls.txt").read())
#In case your code crashed when handling the i-th friend, set offset to i.
# That way, you will start from that friend instead of starting from scratch
p4_offset = 0
#Open file in append mode so that prior data if any persists
#If you want to start from scratch, remember to delete this file
output_file = open("fb_friend_like_dtls.txt", "a")
for i in range(p4_offset, len(p4_friend_profile_dtls)):
friend_dtls = p4_friend_profile_dtls[i]
friend_name, friend_profile_url = friend_dtls["Name"], friend_dtls["ProfileURL"]
print "Handling friend %s : %s" % (i, friend_name)
friend_like_dtls = collect_friend_likes(driver, friend_name, friend_profile_url)
#Append friend_name so that it is findable later
friend_like_dtls = {"Name": friend_name, "Likes":friend_like_dtls}
json.dump(friend_like_dtls, output_file)
#Do not change anything below
#This variable has details of your friends in an array
# i-th element gives details about i-th friend
p4_fb_friend_like_dtls = [json.loads(line) for line in open("fb_friend_like_dtls.txt").readlines()]
#Task t4c:
#We now have a list of items your friends liked. But this is in an unstructured format
# We need to convert it to a structured format
#Step 1: We are going to analyze the data to find the different types of items your friends liked and
# and categorize them accordingly.
#Suppose friend1 liked { Bill Gates : Public Figure, Kamal Haasan : Actor/Director}
# and friend2 liked { Bill Gates : Public Figure, Aamir Khan: Public Figure, Sachin Tendulkar : Athlete}
# Your code below must produce the following dict
# Public Figure: set([Bill Gates, Aamir Khan]),
# Actor/Director: set([Kamal Haasan]),
# Athlete: set([Sachin Tendulkar])
#We will use a nifty Python package called defaultdict.
# See https://docs.python.org/2/library/collections.html#defaultdict-examples for some examples
# Here we have instantiatated it so that this is dictionary where the default value type is set
t4c_categorized_friend_likes = defaultdict(set)
for i in range(len(p4_fb_friend_like_dtls)):
#Change below: set the variable to the list of items liked by i-th friend
#p4_friend_i_likes should now be an array of dictionaries each with two keys:
# "Item": name of the item, "Type": the type of item
p4_friend_i_likes = p4_fb_friend_like_dtls[i]["Likes"]
for j in range(len(p4_friend_i_likes)):
p4_friend_i_likes_j_th_entry = p4_friend_i_likes[j]
#Change below: assign it to name of the item
t4c_friend_like_item_name = p4_friend_i_likes_j_th_entry["Item"]
#Change below: assign it to type of the item
t4c_friend_like_item_type = p4_friend_i_likes_j_th_entry["Type"]
#Change below: put each item into appropriate set
#Do not change anything below
#By default set and dict have no ordering.
#But if we want to convert to a vector, we need a particular ordering
# So we are going to use them in the sorted order
#Sorted list of categories
t4_item_categories = sorted(t4c_categorized_friend_likes.keys())
print t4_item_categories
t4_num_liked_item_categories = len(t4_item_categories)
t4_num_liked_items = 0
t4_categorized_friend_likes = defaultdict(set)
for category in t4_item_categories:
t4_categorized_friend_likes[category] = sorted(t4c_categorized_friend_likes[category])
t4_num_liked_items = t4_num_liked_items + len(t4_categorized_friend_likes[category])
#t4_item_categories: SORTED list of categories such as Actor, Public Figure etc
#t4_num_liked_item_categories: number of categories liked
#t4_categorized_friend_likes: a dictionary where for each category, you have a SORTED list of items
#t4_num_liked_items: number of items all your friends liked overall
#Do not change below
# Public Figure: set([Bill Gates, Aamir Khan]),
# Actor/Director: set([Kamal Haasan]),
# Athlete: set([Sachin Tendulkar])
#t4_item_categories = [Actor/Director, Athlete, Public Figure]
#t4_categorized_friend_likes =
# Actor/Director: set([Kamal Haasan]),
# Athlete: set([Sachin Tendulkar])
# Public Figure: set([Aamir Khan, Bill Gates]),
#We are now going to convert a tuple of (type, item) into an index
# For eg,
# (Actor/Director, Kamal Haasan) => 0
# (Athlete, Sachin Tendulkar) => 1
# (Public Figure, Aamir Khan) => 2
# (Public Figure, Bill Gates) => 3
t4_item_category_to_index_dict = {}
temp_index = 0
for category in t4_item_categories:
for item in t4_categorized_friend_likes[category]:
t4_item_category_to_index_dict[(category, item)] = temp_index
temp_index += 1
#Task t4d
#Let us convert each friend to a vector. We will follow a simple binarization technique
#Recall that this is our data so far:
#t4c_item_categories = [Actor/Director, Athlete, Public Figure]
#t4c_categorized_friend_likes =
# Public Figure: set([Aamir Khan, Bill Gates]),
# Actor/Director: set([Kamal Haasan]),
# Athlete: set([Sachin Tendulkar])
#We have four slots - for Aamir Khan, Bill Gates, Kamal Haasan and Sachin Tendulkar respectively
# So friend 1 who liked { Bill Gates : Public Figure, Kamal Haasan : Actor/Director} becomes
# becomes [0, 1, 1, 0]
# So friend2 who liked { Bill Gates : Public Figure, Aamir Khan: Public Figure, Sachin Tendulkar : Athlete}
# becomes [1, 1, 0, 1]
#There are many ways to do it automatically, but it is a good practice to code it up
# We will use a fairly inefficient process that is nevertheless easy to understand and code
#The three arguments are:
# friend_like_dtls: details of a friend including his/her name and their likes
# item_categories: sorted list of categories
# categorized_friend_likes: a dictionary with item_categories as keys and for key has a sorted list of items
# that he/she liked
# Output: a vector representation of your friends likes
#Hint: use the t4_item_category_to_index_dict variable
def t4d_convert_friend_likes_to_vector(friend_like_dtls):
#Initialize vector with all zeros
friend_vector_repr = np.zeros(t4_num_liked_items)
#Change below: finish the code!
friend_likes = friend_like_dtls["Likes"]
for like in friend_likes:
like_item = like["Item"]
like_category = like["Type"]
index = t4_item_category_to_index_dict[(like_category, like_item)]
friend_vector_repr[index] = 1.0
return friend_vector_repr
#Do not change anything below
#Convert each friend to a vector - ignore friends who have no likes or didnt allow us to see it
t4_friend_likes_as_vectors = np.array(
[ t4d_convert_friend_likes_to_vector(friend_like_dtls)
for friend_like_dtls in p4_fb_friend_like_dtls
if len(friend_like_dtls["Likes"]) > 0
#We now consider the subset of friends with non empty likes
#This vector is needed to identify names of your friends from the cluster
t4_indices_to_friend_names = [friend_like_dtls["Name"]
for friend_like_dtls in p4_fb_friend_like_dtls
if len(friend_like_dtls["Likes"]) > 0]
#Task t4e:
#Do K-Means clustering on your friends . Call KMeans with default params - but remember to set randomstate to 1234
# Remember to send the entire fitted object - not just the labels
def t4e_cluster_friends(data, k):
return None
#Task 4f:
#Vary k from 2 to 20
# Call t4e_cluster_friends with the k.
# Plot SSQ, gap statistics and gap differences
def t4f_plot_cluster_metrics(data):
#Task 4g
#Find optimal k using Gap difference Statistics (i.e find first non zero value)
# you can set it by seeing the plot above
t4g_opt_k = None
t4g_best_clusterings = t4e_cluster_friends(t4_friend_likes_as_vectors, t4g_opt_k )
#Task 4h
#t4g_best_clusterings is a complex object with lot of interesting information
# Let us know try to print it in an intuitive way
#In the function below, use the clusterings to print the name of your friends in each cluster
# The output should look like:
# Cluster 1: X, Y,Z
# Cluster 2: A,B,C,D etc
def t4h_print_cluster_with_friend_names(best_clusterings, indices_to_friend_names):
t4h_print_cluster_with_friend_names(t4g_best_clusterings, t4_indices_to_friend_names)
#Task 4i
#Here is another interesting thing to find from the data
# Given a clustering, let us find the set of most representative friends in each cluster
# Here is the idea:
# For each cluster:
# find h friends who have the lowest distance to that cluster's centroid and print them
def t4i_print_top_representative_friends(best_clusterings, h=1):
t4i_print_top_representative_friends(t4g_best_clusterings, 5)
#OPTIONAL tasks - these will not be graded
#Typically, the k-means results will not be that great
# It is definitely insightful but not very
# There are a lot of reasons why it is so - In fact thinking why k-means is a bad idea
# is a great question to ponder
# Here are some simple reasons:
# The data is sparse: for eg, lot of friends did not specify what they like
# The data is noisy: for eg, there might be different pages for same entity (eg, two pages for say India)
# The data is incomplete: a good analysis must use lot of other parameters
# such as their bio, facebook posts, local network topology etc
# Curse of dimensionality - ponder why is this a factor
# Metrics used - Does Euclidean distance between friends makes sense? Why or why not?
# If it is not, then K-Means is not the right choice (why? make sure you understand why)
# Lot of other reasons
#Here are some interesting improvements that you can try on your own
# Do hierarchical clustering with different metrics and different linkage and plot resulting dendrograms
# While sklearn does not have relevant functions for automatically finding k in hierarchical clustering
# there are other libraries (some in Python, some in R) that do
# Try doing the analysis there
# Try other metrics such as Hamming distance, weighted hamming and also try other algorithms
# such as k-medoids, k-mean etc
# Try adding more features such as bio and their friends
# Try adding more complex features - eg, collect their post from last 3 months, do some topic model on them
# and clustering this augmented vector
# Compare the output of network-unaware (ie not using network topology) clustering such as k-means
# with that of graph partitioning algorithms
# Many more that I cannot think of right now :)
Dimensionality reduction is a key data pre-processing technique. In this task, you will perform PCA, a popular dimensionality reduction technique, over few images to get an intuition. Then you will apply it to MNIST data from Programming Assignment 2 to see how it performs.
####################Do not change anything below
#Load MNIST data. fetch_mldata will download the dataset and put it in a folder called mldata.
#Some things to be aware of:
# The folder mldata will be created in the folder in which you started the notebook
# So to make your life easy, always start IPython notebook from same folder.
# Else the following code will keep downloading MNIST data
#Also, if you have downloaded it for PA2, just copy it into this folder and it will work fine.
mnist = fetch_mldata("MNIST original", data_home=".")
#In order to make the experiments repeatable, we will seed the random number generator to a known value
# That way the results of the experiments will always be same
#Recall that in PA2 we used shuffle and assigned first 5000 data as training and remaining as testing
# Here is another way to do this
# Here we are using a function in cross validation module to split
# By convention, let us use a 70/30 split
p5_train_data, p5_test_data, p5_train_labels, p5_test_labels = \
train_test_split(mnist.data, mnist.target, test_size=0.3)
#The images are in grey scale where each number is between 0 to 255
# Now let us normalize them so that the values are between 0 and 1.
# This will be the only modification we will make to the image
p5_train_data = p5_train_data / 255.0
p5_test_data = p5_test_data / 255.0
#Task t5a:
# Plot the average value of all digits
#Do not change anything below
fig,axes = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(15,4))
for i in range(10):
t5a_row, t5a_col = i // 5, i%5
#Change below: Subset p5_train_data with images for digit i only
# Possible to do it 1 liner (similar to how it is done in Pandas)
t5a_digit_i_subset = p5_train_data[p5_train_labels == i]
#Change below: compute avg value of t5a_training_data_sevens_only and t5a_training_data_nines_only
# remember to use a vectorized version of mean for efficiency
t5a_digit_i_subset_mean = np.mean(t5a_digit_i_subset, axis=0)
#Do not change below
axes[t5a_row][t5a_col].imshow( t5a_digit_i_subset_mean.reshape(28, 28), cmap="Greys")
#Task t5b: train a multi class classifier (OneVsRest) with LinearSVC class and make predictions and print it.
t5b_start_time = time.time()
#Change below: OvR classifier with LinearSVC class with default parameters and random state of 1234
t5b_mc_ovr_linear_svc_svm_model = OneVsRestClassifier(LinearSVC(random_state=1234))
#Change below: Train the model
t5b_mc_ovr_linear_svc_svm_model.fit(p5_train_data, p5_train_labels)
print "SVM training over all features took %s seconds" % (time.time() - t5b_start_time)
#Change below: Make predictions using the model
t5b_mc_ovr_predictions_linear_svm_svc = t5b_mc_ovr_linear_svc_svm_model.predict(p5_test_data)
print "SVM over all features has an accuracy score of %s" % (
metrics.accuracy_score(p5_test_labels, t5b_mc_ovr_predictions_linear_svm_svc))
#Task t5c
#Remember that MNIST images are 28x28 => 784 features.
# Often the entire data is not needed and we can find interesting structure in lower dimensions
# Let us see how this works
#You might want to check http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/decomposition.html#decompositions for details
#Let us arbitrarily pick number of components as 100
t5c_start_time = time.time()
#Change below: instantiate PCA object with 100 components
t5c_pca = PCA(n_components=100)
#Change below: transform the training class data
t5c_train_data_pca = t5c_pca.transform(p5_train_data)
t5c_test_data_pca = t5c_pca.transform(p5_test_data)
print "PCA and transformation took %s seconds" % (time.time() - t5c_start_time)
t5c_start_time = time.time()
#Change below: OvR classifier with LinearSVC class with default parameters and random state of 1234
t5c_mc_ovr_linear_svc_svm_model = OneVsRestClassifier(LinearSVC(random_state=1234))
#Change below: Train the model using the TRANSFORMED training data
t5c_mc_ovr_linear_svc_svm_model.fit(t5c_train_data_pca, p5_train_labels)
print "SVM training over top-100 components took %s seconds" % (time.time() - t5c_start_time)
#Change below: Make predictions using the model over the TRANSFORMED testing data
t5c_mc_ovr_predictions_linear_svm_svc = t5c_mc_ovr_linear_svc_svm_model.predict(t5c_test_data_pca)
print "SVM over top-100 components has an accuracy score of %s" % (
metrics.accuracy_score(p5_test_labels, t5c_mc_ovr_predictions_linear_svm_svc))
#Task t5d: Heads up - This is a time consuming task
# on my virtual machine with 4gb ram, it took approximately 30 minutes
#Means 1,2,3,4,5, 10, 20, 30, 40,, ... 200, 784
t5d_num_dimensions_to_test = list(reversed([1,2,3,4,5] + range(10, 200+1, 10) + [784]))
#Let us now see how varying number of components affects time and accuracy
t5d_columns = ["Num Components", "PCA Time", "Training Time", "Total Time", "Accuracy"]
t5d_results_df = DataFrame(0, index = t5d_num_dimensions_to_test, columns = t5d_columns)
for k in t5d_num_dimensions_to_test:
print "Handling num dimensions = ", k
t5d_start_time = time.time()
#Change below: instantiate PCA object with k components
t5d_pca = PCA(n_components=k)
#Change below: transform the training class data
t5d_train_data_pca = t5d_pca.transform(p5_train_data)
t5d_test_data_pca = t5d_pca.transform(p5_test_data)
t5d_pca_time = time.time() - t5d_start_time
t5d_start_time = time.time()
#Change below: OvR classifier with LinearSVC class with default parameters and random state of 1234
t5d_mc_ovr_linear_svc_svm_model = OneVsRestClassifier(LinearSVC(random_state=1234))
#Change below: Train the model using the TRANSFORMED training data
t5d_mc_ovr_linear_svc_svm_model.fit(t5d_train_data_pca, p5_train_labels)
t5d_training_time = time.time() - t5d_start_time
#Change below: Make predictions using the model over the TRANSFORMED testing data
t5d_mc_ovr_predictions_linear_svm_svc = t5d_mc_ovr_linear_svc_svm_model.predict(t5d_test_data_pca)
#Change below: Compute the accuracy score
t5d_accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(p5_test_labels, t5d_mc_ovr_predictions_linear_svm_svc)
#update df
t5d_results_df.ix[k] = [k, t5d_pca_time, t5d_training_time,
t5d_pca_time + t5d_training_time, t5d_accuracy]
#Task t5e
#Let us again consider the model from task 5c where did PCA with 100 components
t5e_pca = t5c_pca
#As we saw in class, one way to determine how much components is to use
# is to set it to the smallest value such that it explained 95% of the variance
# Let us how much variance does 100 components explain
#Change below: using t5e_pca variable, print the cumulative variance that is explained
print "Total variance explained with 100 components is ", np.sum(t5e_pca.explained_variance_ratio_)
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15,4))
# Change below: plot the explained variance of these 100 components
axes[0].set_title('Variance Explained by $i$-th Component')
# Change below: plot the cumulative explained variance of these 100 components
#Hint: numpy has a function for cumulative sum
axes[1].set_title('Variance Explained by top-$i$ Components')